Hamburg Pike Church of Christ Pew Packers!
But Jesus called them to him, saying,
“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."

-Luke 18:16 ESV

Pew Packers Home Page

Learn a little about the authors of the Bible:
"About 40 Men"

Learn about the Bible!

1 The Bible is divided into 2 parts called ________________.
2 There are ___________ - ________ books in the Bible.
3 How many books are in the Old Testament?
4 How many books are in the New Testament?
5The Old Testament was written in the what language?
6 Was the Old Testament written before or after Jesus was born?
7 Was the New Testament written before or after Jesus was born?   
8 The New Testament was written in the _________ and _________ languages.
9 The Bible was written by about __________ men inspired by ___________.
Hamburg Pike church of Christ
3108 Hamburg Pike
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Phone (812)-284-3125

Join us on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm for a short devotional for children,
Pew Packers,

just before our regular worship service.